The New Moon takes place at 05.07 am GMT November 15th at 23 17' Scorpio. In dark, mysterious Scorpio, the New Moon suggests we may find ourselves engaged with intense, complex matters and issues - relationships, shared resources, secrets, survival. Coming to terms with something, deciphering our true thoughts and feelings. Endings and beginnings. A…
Jupiter Conjunct Pluto ~ Triple Conjunction in Capricorn 2020
2020 brings a rare triple conjunction between Jupiter & Pluto in Capricorn. The Jupiter-Pluto cycle is approximately 12 years in length. Jupiter spends around one year in each sign, so a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction occurs roughly every 12-13 years. Generally they are exact only once, but occasionally if Jupiter's retrograde occurs near Pluto they meet up…
Astrology & Covid-19
Astrology & pandemics The Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020 took place on January 12th, and the first confirmed death from Coronavirus was on January 9th 2020. On March 11th 2020 the World Health Organisation declared Coronavirus (Covid-19) a pandemic, when Jupiter (21 Capricorn), Saturn (29 Capricorn) and Pluto (24 Capricorn) were all close together - a…