The Full Moon takes place on October 20th, 15.57 BST at 27° 25' Aries. The Full Moon sky reveals a cardinal T-Square configuration of Moon in Aries, opposite the Sun and Mars in Libra, all square Pluto in Capricorn. Which lets be honest, holds potential to be tempestuous (uh-oh!), especially when we note that Mars…
Full Moon in Pisces ~ September 21st 2021
The Full Moon takes place on September 21st, 00.55 BST at 28° 13' Pisces. The Full Moon takes place in Pisces Decan III, the last decan of the last sign of the zodiac. Pisces is symbolised by two fishes swimming away from each other, but that are also connected together. Pisces is the water we…
New Moon in Libra ~ October 16th 2020
The New Moon takes place on October 16th, 20.31 BST at 23 53' Libra. The New Moon is opposite Mars Rx in Aries and square Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn forming a tense, pressured, rebellious, T-Square. The New Moon is besieged - between a rock and a hard place - separating from an opposition to…
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio & Libra ~ October 14th – November 3rd 2020
The last Mercury retrograde of 2020, from 11 Scorpio to 25 Libra - Water (emotions/intuition) to Air (ideas/communication). The Sun's entry into Libra on September 23rd - the Autumnal Equinox - announced the arrival of the last quarter of the year. For sure, it's hard to grasp, that it's only been months since the start…
Libra Ingress & The Autumnal Equinox ~ September 22nd 2020
The Sun enters Libra, the sign of the scales and balance, on September 22nd at 14.31 BST, crossing the celestial equator, moving from north to south - The Autumnal Equinox. Officially bringing the start of Autumn to the Northern Hemisphere, and Spring to the Southern Hemisphere. Another turn in the Wheel of the Year, and…
The Moon’s Nodes ~The Celestial Dragon
The Moon's nodes are highly significant and potent, of that there is no doubt. "A knowledge of the Moon's Nodes has existed from very ancient times. That is apparent from the known fact that our predecessors of thousands of years ago were able to forecast Eclipses. They were not only acquainted with the Nodal points,…