The New Moon takes place at 03.38am GMT on October 28th at 4 degrees 25 Scorpio. The New Moon is exactly opposite Uranus Rx in Taurus. Just before the New Moon on October 27th, Mars in Libra exactly Squares Saturn in Capricorn. With Mercury also about to go retrograde in Scorpio, ruled by Mars and Pluto,…
Full Moon in Aries ~ October 13th 2019
The Full Moon takes place at 22.07 BST on October 13th at 20 degrees 13' Aries. The Full Moon is square Pluto in Capricorn and trine Jupiter in Sagittarius. Jupiter is also conjunct Ceres. Full Moon Meaning The Sun is exactly opposite the Moon - Luna is at her brightest, her energy and force…
New Moon in Libra ~ September 28th 2019
The New Moon takes place at 19.26pm BST on September 28th at 5 degrees 20' Libra. The New Moon is opposite Chiron Rx, quincunx Uranus and conjunct the fixed star - Zaniah. Of note is that Venus ruler of, and currently gliding through home sign Libra, is sextile Jupiter, quincunx and parallel Neptune by…
Full Moon in Pisces ~ September 14th 2019
The Full Moon occurs at 5.32 am BST on September 14th at 21 degrees 05' Pisces. Luna is conjunct Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, opposite the Sun and Mars, and square Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces - making a T-square. The Full Moon puts the spotlight on Jupiter square Neptune, the aspect…
New Moon in Virgo ~ August 30th 2019
The New Moon takes place at 11.37am BST on August 30th at 6 degrees 47 Virgo. All the personal planets - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars, are forming a stellium. Are all clustered together over the span of 2-11 degrees Virgo. Juno, the signifier of relationships, is also there at 2 degrees 53' Virgo.…
Full Moon in Aquarius ~ August 15th 2019
The Full Moon occurs at 13.29pm BST on August 15th at 22 degrees 24' Aquarius. The Leo-Aquarius axis highlights the balance between what is perfect for me compared to what is favourable for everyone else. How do I fit into the group and relate to others. Leo is a fire sign, ruled by the Sun, showing our individual creativity,…
New Moon in Leo ~ Mercury Direct ~ August 1st 2019
The New Moon takes place at 4.11am BST on August 1st at 8 degrees 37' Leo. Mercury stations direct, just after, at 4.58am at 23 degrees 57 Cancer, opposite Pluto, and triggering the July 16th lunar eclipse degree. This suggests meaningful, revealing news or communications, that instantly sharpens our thoughts, possibly prompting us to alter…
Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn ~ July 16th 2019
On July 16th a Lunar Eclipse takes place at 24 degrees 04'' Capricorn 22.38 BST. There is no getting away from the fact that this eclipse is hard core, intense, it's conjunct Pluto, Lord of the Underworld for a start! The themes raised by this eclipse, like Pluto are going to have staying power and…
Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer ~ July 2nd 2019
The arrival of July sees the commencement of a new eclipse season. A Total Solar Eclipse takes place on July 2nd, 8.16 pm BST at 10 degrees 37 Cancer. The Solar Eclipse will be followed by a partial lunar eclipse on July 16th at 24 Capricorn. This is the third eclipse of 2019, which sees…
The Moon’s Nodes ~The Celestial Dragon
The Moon's nodes are highly significant and potent, of that there is no doubt. "A knowledge of the Moon's Nodes has existed from very ancient times. That is apparent from the known fact that our predecessors of thousands of years ago were able to forecast Eclipses. They were not only acquainted with the Nodal points,…