The Full Moon takes place on October 20th, 15.57 BST at 27° 25′ Aries.
The Full Moon sky reveals a cardinal T-Square configuration of Moon in Aries, opposite the Sun and Mars in Libra, all square Pluto in Capricorn. Which lets be honest, holds potential to be tempestuous (uh-oh!), especially when we note that Mars is applying to Pluto – exact on October 22nd.
But there is hope, faith & optimism provided by Jupiter (sigh of relief!). Potential for some goodwill, wise judgement, positivity & even success, as Jupiter is sextile the Moon and trine the Sun & Mars. So whilst the sky does feature some storm clouds brewing, if the heavens open, we could miss the downpour.
The Full Moon is on fixed star Alpherg – a star that bestows “preparedness, steadiness, determination and final success.” Thus any moments of truth that come to light with this Full Moon call for close evaluation & scrutiny. Exploration of all the mysterious nooks and crannies. So that a well thought out, careful strategy to bring about desired outcomes can be initiated & acted upon.
Saturn stationed direct on October 11th, followed by Mercury &Jupiter on October 18th. A big shift which means things are moving forwards, and (at last!) picking up speed.
The New Moon in Libra (October 6th) encouraged us to scrutinise our relationships and untangle any frustration potentially hidden within them. A process of reflection & contemplation aided by the united presence of the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars in Libra, that has enabled new perspectives to blossom that encompass not only “we”, but also ourselves as individuals “me”.
Our relationships with others, but also our relationship with ourselves.
Our own personal goals & what is truly important and authentic for us to individually pursue. Perhaps making the crux of the matter at this Full Moon how our desires & aims, clash or align with those of others – could be our partner, family, work colleague or next door neighbour – anyone we choose to, or have to, interact with.
Do we work well together or are we at odds? Are we on the same page, united by a shared sense of purpose or do we feel let-down, disillusioned or hostile?
The Moon in Aries is emotionally independent, and far prefers to be direct and assertive when dealing with feelings. Luna can be both spirited & tactless here. Unquestionably emotions can easily be rather self-oriented, with inner, instinctive needs being courageously and uncompromisingly chased down.
With Mars – ruler of the lunation – in Libra, our actions and behaviour could partly be driven by others. A potentially volatile emotional cocktail that could rouse emotional conflicts and passionate outbursts. It could be a fierce urge to protect family & loved ones, an urgent need to conquer a predicament or a sexual attraction that is overwhelming.
It brings the impression of fighting spirit being roused. A mood of enough is enough, this (whatever it may be) has to dealt with now – immediately – that it can’t be kept in check any longer. Going all out to attain what – or who – we passionately desire. Suggests we could be facing our own solo struggle with, or joining forces against – united through a shared motivation – issues involving Pluto themes.
Pluto here evokes themes of emotional extremes, passion, obsession, competition, power struggles, control, coercion, manipulation, revenge, financial hardship, helplessness, survival, secrets being revealed & memories from the past re-surfacing.
Soul-stirring entanglements or burdens could well emerge from the shadows at this time. Concerns & conundrums that refuse to be ignored. Of course this could be tough, tricky – intense – but if we pause to reflect a moment, we could take a more positive stance. View this as an opportunity for a (necessary) new dawn somewhere in life, as Pluto is the planet of awakening & re-birth.
Fitting in with this, Mercury in Libra is sextile ruler Venus in Sagittarius & both are quincunx Uranus in Taurus, a sign also ruled by Venus, forming a yod. This perhaps indicates the underlying tension & anxiety (Uranus) many of us are experiencing around the current instability in the material realms (supply chain issues/price rises/vaccine passports and the rest). Might speak of our personal worries around our finances & work, or indeed anything that leaves us feeling agitated or unsettled.
At the base of the yod, the harmonious sextile between Mercury & Venus could smooth the way for our thoughts &/or conversations to be engaged with exploring our hopes, dreams & options. Which might just spark an important insight (Uranus). A tah-dah moment that shakes something loose & suddenly alters our path.
One way or another it seems like we are being presented with an invitation, to feel out & tune into our intuition & inner guidance. To awaken – allow the illumination bestowed by the Full Moon to reveal – a clearer sense of our true, soul deep, needs and desires, & how to fulfil them.
Just keep in mind, Luna, Mars & Pluto are a fiery combo at this Full Moon, that could erupt in explosive displays of rage or impulsive risk taking. So it’s best to try & stay calm – or serene if we find ourselves in the line of fire of someone else’s fury- as by doing so we have time to decipher how our actions may unfold. If they are a recipe for success, or disaster. It may be a good idea if you are starting to go on the warpath, to burn any spicy, red hot energy through exercise or on a project that requires physical graft.
The vibrant, positive trine between Mars and Jupiter is exact on October 19th. An energy that aligns with the victorious warrior – unites fighting spirit with beliefs, ideals & a positive attitude. This could certainly encourage some bold moves that lead to glory (or at the very least a silver lining!) What is also eye-catching is that Mars is on favourable fixed star Arcturus. A star with a Jupiter-Mars nature, accentuating the significance of Mars trine Jupiter, and the potential for success. Perhaps especially around any issues of unfairness or injustice we wish to set right – equate with the warrior for social justice
Action is driven by emotion at this Full Moon. The key here is to be honest & self-aware about our behaviour & actions. Pause, breathe, make time for solitary contemplation. So as to truthfully assess our own beliefs & performance thus far, then attune with what we need to release & – significantly – are resolved to create. Being (or becoming) consciously aware of our own, and other souls motivations helps to calm any hostility & guide us toward healing change.
In a Mundane way
I don’t usually include the Sabian Symbols in the lunation reports. But, in a mundane way this seems especially resonant. The Sabian for 28 Aries is ~ “A large audience confronts the performer who disappointed its expectations.”
Comes across – along with the astrology – as correlating with the people being (all the more) up in arms over lockdowns, vaccine passports/mandates, supply chain issues & financial hardship (etc). The protests that have been underway around the world for some time look likely to escalate as more souls start to question the unfolding narrative and its implications.
Fixed Star ~ AlPherg
Fixed Star Alpherg located in the Pisces Constellation is currently at 27° 06′ Aries. Alpherg is a double star in the cord near the tail of the Northern Fish.
Constellation Pisces
“Venus and her son Cupid while sitting on the bank of the Euphrates suddenly saw Typhon, the enemy of the Gods, approaching them. They leapt into the river and were saved from drowning by two fishes, who were afterwards placed in the heavens by Venus in gratitude for their help.” ~ Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E Robson
According to Ptolemy Alpherg is of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter.
“It gives preparedness, steadiness, determination and final success.” ~ Robson
“Alpherg, is of course Arabic, properly Al Fargh. The term means an outpouring of water, and the mouth or lip of any vessel used for water (or anything else). So there is the connotation of, again, something coming out of its container onto the earth and for the use of Man. Water inside a vessel is very much a hidden thing; we don’t even know for sure that it is water until it is poured and tasted. Folklore abounds, of course, with tales of wine and water interchanging by magic within the flask, or emerging poisoned, or as the fire-creature the Jinn (or Genie) when Al Fargh is uncorked.
So this star of mysteries to be revealed to us, about ourselves, our distant origins, our Creator, was well classed by Ptolemy as another Saturn-Jupiter type. Those with it well placed in their horoscopes have ready access to, and understanding of what the Church loves to call ‘The Mysteries’ (but is reluctant to reveal to us, if it knows them itself). Let those who have Alpherg poorly aspected beware of the Genie that may emerge if they uncork it by mere dabbling for occult kicks. Nothing that happens with a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction is on a small scale, neither enlightening revelation, nor pathological obsession with the past.” ~ The Living Stars, Dr Eric Morse
Mars on Spica & Arcturus
It is also notable that ruler of the Aries Full Moon Mars at 23° 20 Libra is conjunct fixed stars Spica & Arcturus. These stars are very close in longitude, Spica is currently at 24° 07 Libra, & Arcturus is at 24° 31 Libra.
Both stars incorporate characteristics of Mars, according to Ptolemy Spica has a Venus-Mars nature, & Arcturus a Jupiter-Mars nature. Both stars are also viewed as in the main positive and linked with success due to the influence of the benefics Venus & Jupiter. However, the conjunction with Mars – a malefic – increases the significance of his effect, for good or ill. But, simultaneously at this lunation Mars is trine Jupiter – a beneficial influence.
“It gives success, renown, riches, a sweet disposition, love of art and science, unscrupulousness, unfruitfulness and injustice to innocence.” ~ Robson
With Mars ~ “Popular, social success, may have good judgement and quick decision or be violent in dispute, rigid, and nearly or quite a fool.” ~ Robson
“It gives riches, honours, high renown, self-determination and prosperity by navigation and voyages.” ~ Robson
with mars ~ “a reputation of achieving “justice through power”. It therefore makes the native belligerent and quarrelsome, especially if attached to Mars and Jupiter by conjunction. A really go-ahead and enterprising spirit is here the rule as indicated by Jupiter-Mars. Lasting success is promised if further good aspects are present. If critically aspected, the good influence will be hampered or made into a real handicap. If involved in legal action, such a native may lose all” ~ Fixed Stars and their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin
Tarot ~ 4 of Wands
The Full Moon takes place in the last Decan/Face of Aries, ruled by Venus (Jupiter by triplicity). The corresponding tarot card is the 4 of Wands. Venus is in her detriment in Aries, being opposite one of her home signs – Libra – however she is ruler of this Face.
Venus is a benefic planet, who bestows harmony and beauty wherever she goes – even if, at times, it is a difficult task! Venus highlights co-operation and sharing, to bring grace and charm to the bold, fiery, warrior energy of Aries. In the major arcana, Venus is the Empress and a natural match for the Emperor who corresponds with the sign Aries.
Book T calls this card “Perfected Work”.
Aries III
“a restless man, holding in his hands a gold bracelet, wearing red clothing, who wishes to do good, but is not able to do it. This is a face of subtlety and subtle mastery and new things and instruments and similar things.” ~ PICATRIX
The Rider-Waite-Smith depicts two young ladies, carrying bouquets of flowers and wearing garlands in their hair approaching 4 upright wands. A garland of flowers and vines connects two of the wands, forming an arch. A celebration – perhaps a wedding or home coming.
The 4 of Wands denotes happiness, peace, success, desired outcomes and celebration – in matters surrounding ambitions, romance and the domestic sphere. The road that led here may – potentially – have been arduous, crossed paths with hostility & strife. But these trials & tribulations have been successfully overcome.
“I offer you a place to rest, a time of contentment. I represent your progress and the harvest reaped from your ideas. For just a little while, you can leave the seriousness of your daily life behind and be playful and carefree.” ~ Spiritual Tarot, by Echols, Mueller and Thomson
Wishing Full Moon blessings to all.
Top Image ~ The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed With the Sun: William Blake from Wikimedia Commons
4 of Wands from The Aquatic Tarot
The Complete Picatrix ~ Translated by John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock