The Full Moon occurs on March 28th, at 19.48 BST, 8 18′ Libra.
The Full Moon in Libra is ruled by Venus. The Sun, Venus and Chiron are all conjunct in Aries directly opposite the Full Moon. The superior conjunction of Venus – Venus Cazimi – occurred just before the Full Moon on March 26th. As Venus experiences a process of being strengthened and purified by the Sun (Cazimi), and the current Sun-Venus cycle also reaches a culmination (the Full Moon phase), this gives rise to a renewed and clarified perspective on all Venusian matters – love, relationships, values, creativity and finances. At this time, Venus is in a state of change, as she transforms from a Morning Star to an Evening Star, so Venus will be invisible in the sky until she returns as an Evening Star in mid-May.
The Full Moon brings promise for the renewal of a more passionate approach to life as our desire to do or achieve something close to our heart is fired up. The New Moon on March 13th enhanced our imagination, set in motion a dreamy, captivating, visualisation of the future. Offered up guidance to discover what truly stirs our heart. Now, at the Full Moon we glimpse illumination of a way forward that we are excited by and enthusiastic to pursue.
With Mars exactly conjunct the (mean) North Node our will power is energised to instigate and embolden future orientated action. In a mundane way, there is potential that Mars-North Node could indicate an increase in unrest, protests or violence in the world.
The influence of Venus and Mars brings about a marked change of pace. Significantly, Mars and the North Node are at virtually the exact place in the zodiac where the Inferior Conjunction of Venus (the New Moon phase) took place on June 3rd 2020 at 13 35′ Gemini. A link between what happened then, and what goes down now, is possible.
On a note of caution, with Venus so close to the Sun (Venus is now combust), and Mercury approaching conjunction with Neptune, some things could be invisible or unclear to us. It’s best to make some allowances for this, check details and seek the unvarnished truth of situations.
The Full Moon fixed star is Diadem which places additional emphasis on Venus, and the tarot card is the 2 of Swords which aligns with the Moon in Libra, as the Moon is ruler of the first decan of Libra.
The whole picture also unites to give an indication of the inner and outer tensions we could be experiencing at this Full Moon. Alludes to the recognition of unfairness and inequalities, in our own lives and in the world, and the seeking of a way to ease this, a remedy to restore some balance and peace. The influence of Chiron adds to this by enhancing awareness of any vulnerabilities – our own or those of others around us – as well as an inclination to try and soothe them.
The Full Moon sets us in motion towards attaining an aspiration, including a wish for some harmony and healing, but what comes into being may, as yet, not be exactly perfect. Not quite our dream come true. We may have to strive for and pursue our goal, make some sacrifices along the way, negotiate some compromises or even defend/fight for a cause we feel strongly about.
Supporting this, helping us stay poised as we endeavour to work out any imbalances or flaws, the Full Moon also features an inspiring, motivating Grand Air Trine between the Moon, Mars and the North Node, and Saturn in Aquarius.
This means thoughts, ideas and information are flowing in abundance. The Moon in Libra will wish to discuss and resolve any relationship troubles or any situation that feels unjust. Mars may try and turn a discussion into an argument, but Saturn helps keep the impulsiveness of Mars in check. This aspect pattern highlights the potential for decisive, respectful action that leads to fair-minded, strengthening and enduring results.
Fixed Star ~ Diadem, Bernice’s Hair
Fixed Star Diadem is in the Coma Bernices Constellation, currently Diadem is at 9 14′ Libra.
Coma Bernices is a faint constellation, Diadem is the brightest star and the only one with a proper name. The story behind this constellation tells how Queen Bernice II, wife of the Egyptian ruler Ptolemy III, was anxiously awaiting the return of her husband from the wars. Bernice was so concerned, she sacrificed her hair, cutting off her long, amber coloured locks, which she then left in the temple as an offering for Venus in exchange for the safe return of her husband. Bernice’s hair mysteriously vanished from the altar, some said it had been stolen, others that Venus, touched and impressed by her sacrifice, had taken it into the starry sky to form a constellation.
The word Diadem which this star is named after, is a symbol of royalty worn on the head, a crown or jewels. A woman’s hair is her crowning glory, a source of beauty and feminine power. Whilst it may be hard to imagine these days, in ancient times a woman with short hair was diminished.
Bernice made a huge, intentional sacrifice, generated by a deep love and concern for her husband, as her feminine intuition enlightened her of the potency of offering her magnificent mane to the goddess of beauty. Bernice recognised that to attain what she desired, something else she valued and cherished had to be sacrificed.
Bernadette Brady says this star is linked with feminine strength and a woman’s sacrifice. About Diadem with the Moon she says: “To show devotion to a cause or group. A willingness to give of oneself to the needs of another. A time for humanitarian acts.” ~ Star and Planet Combinations, Bernadette Brady
Whilst I was researching this star, I discovered natives whose lives reflect some strikingly similar threads.
Moon with Diadem natives ~ Patty Hearst 0 03′ Nicole Brown Simpson 0 05′ Agatha Christie 0 30′ Sylvia Plath 0 30′
Patty Hearst is the heiress who was kidnapped. Patty then became part of the organisation that kidnapped her after suffering from Stockholm syndrome.
Nicole Brown Simpson was the ex-wife of O. J. Simpson. With a prior history of violence towards Nicole, O. J. Simpson was tried for, then acquitted of her murder.
Agatha Christie, the best selling novelist of all time. Agatha famously disappeared for 11 days; after the death of her mother, followed by her husbands request for a divorce, resulted in a complete loss of memory or a nervous breakdown.
Sylvia Plath the highly talented, celebrated poet and novelist suffered from severe depression her whole life, and committed suicide at age 30.
Reflecting on the lives of Moon with Diadem natives certainly brings the impression that this influence brings the capacity to encounter emotional depths. An inner world of thoughts and feelings perceptive to, and easily touched by the darker undercurrents of life. The possibility of being able to, or having to face emotional extremes – emotional fragility and emotional courage – through relationships with others or the ways of the world. Diadem also looks to indicate potential for creative power.
The New Moon takes place in the first Decan or Face of Libra, ruled by the Moon (Venus by triplicity). The corresponding tarot card is the 2 of Swords . This card merges the intuition of the Moon with the goddess of Justice and the scales of balance – Justice corresponds with Libra in the tarot.
Book T calls this card “Peace Restored.”
LIBRA I ~ “a man with a lance in his right hand, and in his left hand he holds a bird hanging by its feet. This is a face of justice, truth, good judgment, complete justice for the people and weak persons, and doing good for beggars.” ~ PICATRIX
The Rider-Waite-Smith card depicts under a crescent Moon, a blindfolded woman sitting on the shoreline, holding a pair of crossed swords before her. Libra is an air sign, and this card indicates the woman is facing a difficult decision, a choice between two paths or perhaps an argument with someone close. It is obviously a huge dilemma, so she is contemplating and weighing up all the possible options available. While Libra is a sign of reason and discernment, the woman is blindfolded so is having to rely on her intuition and instincts – the Moon.
“This card is a graphic depiction of the tension of opposites, which can be temporarily resolved at best, and never by logic alone. New tensions always arise from our reservoir of past experiences and attitudes, as the rippling water in the Rider-Waite card reveals. Time and again we will be tempted to hoodwink ourselves into believing that we only need to achieve balance once, but nothing is permanent, this card reminds us, not even the ability to ignore life issues.” ~ Spiritual Tarot, Echols, Mueller and Thomson, page 148
Top Image ~ Astarte Syriaca by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1877) – from Wikimedia Commons
2 of Swords from the Aquatic Tarot by Andreas Schroter
The Complete Picatrix, Translated by John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock
Star and Planet Combinations, by Bernadette Brady